Vendor Resources

The following are resources for vendors

New Vendor Package

Before any work and subsequet invoicing can commence on a Copper Builders job site all vendors are required to complete the new vendor paperwork. Please follow all instructions in this package completely and return the information per the package instructions. Please direct any questions to

New Vendor Package Download

Important Policies

The following policies pages are policies that ensure we all work well together in the most efficient manner possible.  Designed to eliminate wasted trips, keep job sites clean, and help everyone work well together.  Please review them regularly.

Policies and Procedures



The preferred invoicing method for Copper Builders is for all invoices to be submitted via email, at our accounting address, with all invoices send as a single attachment when possible. Invoices can also be mailed to 1235 E- East Blvd #155 Charlotte, NC 28173. Please note due to postage and handling delays this is the slowest method of payment and should only be used if email in not compatible with your invoicing program.


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